Energy in the City, 18-20 July 2017

The DEMAND Centre’s final Summer School on ‘Energy in the City’ took place at the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds from the 18-20 July 2017.

Over three intensive days, a group of doctoral students, early career researchers and practitioners from a range of organisations in the UK and internationally got together. They learnt about each other’s research, about research taking place in the DEMAND Centre and within the University of Leeds, and also heard from Leeds City Council about climate change initiatives and plans within the city. They discussed the value and challenges of researching and intervening with energy demand at the city scale and conducted fieldwork in the city itself. This led to the development of research proposals, which were ‘pitched’ to the Head of Sustainable Energy & Climate Change at Leeds City Council: a dramatic and fascinating culmination to the three days. The optional overnight bunkbarn trip then departed for Bolton Abbey, refreshing our energy out of the city and allowing further conversation and connections.

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Photographs [.pdf] and the final programme [.pdf] are also available to view.

group shot floorball


The summer school was organised by Janine Morley and Greg Marsden (with help from Julian Burkinshaw and others)


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