The reading group was a bit smaller than previous ones but we had a good discussion of a paper which took us into the unfamiliar but mainstream methodological terrain of working with macro indicators of energy demand and relating these in various ways to GDP. Once we got over the shock of equations, we admired to some degree the attempt to look at the big picture and to engage with broad patterns of coupling and de-coupling but also found much to critique and question. This included the way in which analysis of this form is driven by the data that is available, with holes and inadequacies in datasets unresolved and often problematic; the very simplistic explanatory reasoning which followed the attempted sophisticated data analysis; the logics of substitution between transport modes and within fixed travel time budgets; the pervasiveness of ‘predict and provide’ and similar types of broad brush thinking that DEMAND needs to unpick and challenge.
Understanding Demand
Influencing Demand
Policies for steering demand
Invisible energy policy
Adapting social practices
Commission on Travel Demand
How Demand Varies
Situations, Sites, Sectors
Domestic IT use
Home heating
Offices and office work
Business travel
Online shopping
Car dependence
Older people and mobile lives
Local smart grids
Cooking and cooling in Asia
Energy, Justice and Poverty