Author Archives: Simone Gristwood

Reading Group: 9 November 2014

Discussion of draft of Theme 1 Paper currently called ‘Joining up the Kilowatts’ – looking at how energy is defined and understood in different fields.

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Scripts of heat: Existing houses, new residents and the alignment of heating practices. Mikko Jalas

Do houses make us act in certain ways? What practical momentum do they exert on those who own or occupy them? To what extent do houses – as complex material configurations – prefigure practices? Mikko and Jenny have been thinking about these questions with the help of some interviews with people who have moved into existing houses and had to learn how to live in and with them.   The…

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Talk: Climate change and the dynamics of energy demand: why it matters what energy is for. Gordon Walker

Presentation given at National Chengchi University, Taiwan, 20 November 2014.

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Beyond The Fire Age. Walt Patterson

Walt Patterson talked about his forthcoming book, some ideas from which are available here:   He began by distinguishing between forms of energy production that do, or do not involve fire – and which do or do not involve the consumption/burning of resources like wood, coal, oil etc, and all the problems and emissions that ensue.  This…

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Reading Group: 25 November 2014

Gordon Walker presented material from the Paris and Taiwan workshops bringing together the outcomes from Project 4.1: The right to energy: ambivalent, contingent, problematic. (more…)

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