Author Archives: Simone Gristwood

Submission: Electricity demand-side measures. Submission to DECC Select Committee Inquiry, July 2014.

Submission by DEMAND to the DECC select committee inquiry on electricity demand-side measures. Further information on the call for submissions.

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Talk: What do we really know about energy demand? Gordon Walker

Presentation by Gordon Walker on ‘What do we really know about demand?’ at PCEEE Conference (Portugal em Conferencia Para Uma Economica Energeticamente Eficiente), Lisbon, Portugal, 20 June 2014

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Compilation of Working Papers 4-15, Demanding Ideas

Compilation of all Working Papers presented at the workshop “Demanding ideas: where theories of practice might go next” held 18-20 June 2014 in Windermere, UK. The purpose of the event was to identify issues and topics that constitute ‘unfinished business’ for people interested in social theories of practice and in the relevance of such ideas for the DEMAND Research Centre.

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Working Paper 15: Harro van Lente, Demanding Ideas

Working Paper 15: Harro van Lente, August 2014 (more…)

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Working Paper 14: Frank Trentmann, Demanding Ideas

Working Paper 14: Frank Trentmann, August 2014 (more…)

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