Understanding Demand
Influencing Demand
Policies for steering demand
Invisible energy policy
Adapting social practices
Commission on Travel Demand
How Demand Varies
Situations, Sites, Sectors
Domestic IT use
Home heating
Offices and office work
Business travel
Online shopping
Car dependence
Older people and mobile lives
Local smart grids
Cooking and cooling in Asia
Energy, Justice and Poverty
Author Archives: Simone Gristwood
Reading Group: 25 July 2013
The first experimental virtual reading group went well with 4 people in Lancaster and 3 on Skype. Some technical teething problems aside, we managed to have a pretty flowing and interesting discussion of the reading ‘Energy and Equity' by Ivan Illich. (more…)
View full post →EUED Centres Transport Day, 26 September 2013
Greg Marsden organised a really useful meeting to present and compare ‘transport’ related projects from three EUED Centres: the Centre for Energy Epidemiology, UCL; Centre for Innovation and Energy Demand, Sussex/Oxford/Manchester and DEMAND. Other participants included Simon Roberts and Liz Halsted from TfL and Dominique Bertin from EDF UK R&D Centre. Further details.
View full post →Talk: Theories, categories and units: collecting and using data on time, mobility and energy demand.
Jillian Anable, Ben Anderson, Jacopo Torriti, and Elizabeth Shove gave a Presentation on Theories, categories and units: collecting and using data on time, mobility and energy demand at the Modelling on the Move Workshop, 13 September 2013.
View full post →Summer School: Debating the Dynamics of Mobility, 17-19 September 2013
The ESRC funded Forge Network Summer School (convened by Professors Marsden and Shove) tackled the issue of understanding the dynamics of mobility, 17-19 September 2013. (more…)
View full post →Talk: Aims of the DEMAND Centre
Elizabeth Shove gave a presentation to DECC on the aims of the DEMAND Centre, 31 July 2013.
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