Understanding Demand
Influencing Demand
Policies for steering demand
Invisible energy policy
Adapting social practices
Commission on Travel Demand
How Demand Varies
Situations, Sites, Sectors
Domestic IT use
Home heating
Offices and office work
Business travel
Online shopping
Car dependence
Older people and mobile lives
Local smart grids
Cooking and cooling in Asia
Energy, Justice and Poverty
Writing by DEMANDers
Article: Analysis and modeling of active occupancy of the residential sector in Spain: an indicator of residential electricity consumption
López-Rodríguez, M.A., Santiago, I., Trillo-Montero, D., Torriti, J., Moreno-Munoz, A. (2013), Analysis and modeling of active occupancy of the residential sector in Spain: an indicator of residential electricity consumption. Energy Policy, 62, pp. 742-751. http;//dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2013.07.095 (more…)
View full post →Article: Demand
Shove, E. and Walker, G. (in press) ‘Demand’, in edited collection ‘Fueling Culture: Energy, History, Politics’
View full post →Article: What is energy for?: energy demand and social practice
Shove, E. and Walker, G. (2014) What is energy for?: energy demand and social practice.Theory, Culture and Society, 31.5. doi: 10.1177/0263276414536746 (more…)
View full post →Tesla’s techno-cars are the right answer to the wrong question
By Nicola Spurling, Lancaster University Originally published in (more…)
View full post →Working Paper 2: Demand by design: how our infrastructure and professions shape what we do
Working Paper 2: Nicola Spurling This essay outlines some initial thoughts on the relationship between end-use practices, infrastructures and the histories, systems, structures and practices of the planning professions.
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