social practices

Talk: Practice-Hunting using Time Use Surveys, Mathieu Durand-Daubin, Ben Anderson

Presentation given at Behave Energy Conference, Oxford, 3-4 September 2014.  Abstract: (more…)

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Data Byte: Visualising sequences of demand

One of our interests is in how sequences of practices may contribute to patterns of energy demand and we are exploring a number of ways to both visualise and analyse such sequences. The image shows a visualization of a random subsample of 3000 diary days from the UK Time Use Survey 2000 in the Visual-TimePAcTS software. The diary days go from 04:00 (bottom) to 04:00 the next day (top)…

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Unsustainable practices: Why electric cars are a failure of ambition

By Nicola Spurling, Lancaster University and Dan Welch, University of Manchester Originally published on Talking Climate  (more…)

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Theme 1 Summary: The Rhythms of Demand, Ben Anderson, Jillian Anable, Jacopo Torriti, Giulio Mattioli and Richard Hanna, January 2014

Establishing Basecamp Theme 1’s objective of conceptualising and describing the changing demand for energy within UK society is easy to say, seductively straightforward to write and, it seems, fiendishly challenging to achieve. (more…)

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Talk: Timing and Synchronisation of social practices

Presentation on issues of the timing and synchronisation of social practices and the implications for energy and mobility, given at DECC, December 2013.

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