Submission: The next frontier in our digital revolution. Submission to UK Digital Strategy by Mike Hazas and Janine Morley

Mike Hazas and Janine Morley have responded to UK Digital Strategy's call for evidence on 'The next frontier in our digital revolution' and focus on how resilience and energy demand must be considered alongside economic growth. The full response is available to download: Digital Strategy Ideas

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Submission: Electricity interconnection and storage. Submission to The Infrastructure Commission, December 2015

Response to call for evidence by The Infrastructure Commission by Elizabeth Shove In line with the published terms of reference, the Commission is seeking evidence on how changes to existing market frameworks, increased interconnection and new technologies in demand-side management and energy storage can better balance supply and demand. What changes may need to be made to the…

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Reflections on the Lancaster power cuts of December 2015

// DEMANDers in Lancaster were able to experience first hand the effects of flooding caused by Storm Desmond, that left 55,000 homes without power in December 2015. Below are some reflections of experiences from the week of 5th - 12th December 2015 written by Lancaster DEMANDers. There is also a short film "What is going on?" about demand and disruption during the power cut and a report…

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Here’s why adaptability is the key to coping with transport disasters

Floods caused by Storm Desmond left more than 2,500 homes without power, washed away bridges, closed schools and hospitals and caused serious damage to homes and businesses across swathes of northern England and Scotland. Meanwhile, the closure of the Forth Road Bridge due to structural defects has left 100,000 people, along with major corporations such as Amazon, facing large diversions…

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The washing basket is critical. Dale Southerton

This paper explores the temporal organisation of laundry. It considers coordination in two forms: the scheduling of inter-connected practices (e.g. work, eating, other water-using practices) and of practitioners (for quality time, social occasions, and to align personal schedules). In both cases, the materiality of the practice – household infrastructure, the environment and, above all…

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