Changing understandings of older people’s travel – Russell Hitchings

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Welfare, Employment and Energy Demand – Catherine Butler

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Institutional rhythms and managing energy and mobility demand – Stanley Blue

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Summer School: Peaks, Sites and Cycles, 14-16 July 2015

The DEMAND Summer School 2015 focused on Peaks, Sites and Cycles; the temporal and spatial dynamics of energy and mobility demand. These are critical issues in the social sciences, and for practical efforts to reduce and manage peak loads in energy and mobility. Participants, along with researchers and academics from the DEMAND Centre explored a variety of concepts and approaches for studying…

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Talk: Lessons from the history of daily life in Stocksbridge: mapping the complexities of keeping warm at home

Presentation given by Anna Carlsson Hyslop and Lenneke Kuijer to the Stocksbridge & District History Society on Thursday 14 May in Stocksbridge. Anna and Lenneke presented a set of intermediate results of their research into the histories of council housing from local archives, and the lives lived in them through oral history interviews to forty-five members of the Stocksbridge &…

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