Reading Group: 6 May 2014

A group of ten DEMANDers discussed Habits, routines and temporalities of consumption: From individual behaviours to the reproduction of everyday practices by Dale Southerton (Time & Society 2013 22: 335-355). (more…)

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Talk: The Future of Transport Policy: Was Einstein Right? Greg Marsden

Professor Greg Marsden, Inaugural Lecture, University of Leeds: 18 March 2014 Read the transcript of the lecture and see further details about the event here.

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Reading Group: 2 April 2014

Jan, Mike A., Joe, Nicola and Elizabeth – Richard in a noisy café for a few moments. Jan used the reading (Military emissions, armed conflicts, border changes and the Kyoto Protocol by Axel Michaelowa & Tobias Koch) (more…)

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Data Byte: Visualising sequences of demand

One of our interests is in how sequences of practices may contribute to patterns of energy demand and we are exploring a number of ways to both visualise and analyse such sequences. The image shows a visualization of a random subsample of 3000 diary days from the UK Time Use Survey 2000 in the Visual-TimePAcTS software. The diary days go from 04:00 (bottom) to 04:00 the next day (top)…

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Unsustainable practices: Why electric cars are a failure of ambition

By Nicola Spurling, Lancaster University and Dan Welch, University of Manchester Originally published on Talking Climate  (more…)

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