September-October 2017

News and publications from DEMAND September-October 2017


Mentions of DEMAND and Jan Selby: UK’s biggest university solar project switched on at University of Sussex  

De Decker, K (October 2017) Where Infrastructures and Appliances Meet

Shove, E (2017) What is wrong with energy efficiency? Building Research and Information, DOI: 10.1080/09613218.2017.1361746

Hui, A and Walker, G (2017) ‘Concepts and methodologies for a new relational geography of energy demand: Social practices, doing-places and settings’ Energy Research & Social Science DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2017.09.032

Hui, A (2017) ‘Understanding the positioning of “the electric vehicle consumer”: variations in interdisciplinary discourses and their implications for sustainable mobility systems’ Applied Mobilities DOI:  10.1080/23800127.2017.1380977

New Research Insight: Precarity in Housing and Employment – A Hidden Dimension of Car Dependency

To see other DEMAND publications, please visit our publications page and Research Insights page


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