Theme 5

Working Paper 4: Allison Hui, Demanding Ideas

Working Paper 4: Allison Hui, August 2014 (more…)

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Article: Demand

Shove, E. and Walker, G. (in press) ‘Demand’, in edited collection ‘Fueling Culture: Energy, History, Politics’

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Article: What is energy for?: energy demand and social practice

Shove, E. and Walker, G. (2014) What is energy for?: energy demand and social practice.Theory, Culture and Society, 31.5. doi: 10.1177/0263276414536746 (more…)

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Article: Dynamics of Energy Demand: change, rhythm and synchronicity

Walker, G. (2014) ‘Dynamics of Energy Demand: change, rhythm and synchronicity’ Energy and Social Science Research, 1(1), (more…)

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Talk/Article: Everyday life energy-related innovations in the harsh light of social reality: Turning Energy Efficiency Policy foundations upside down?

Douzou, Sylvie &  Sophie Bouly de Lesdain (2013) Everyday life energy-related innovations in the harsh light of social reality: Turning Energy Efficiency Policy foundations upside down? ECEEE Summer Study Proceedings, 251-260. (more…)

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