Beyond The Fire Age. Walt Patterson

Walt Patterson talked about his forthcoming book, some ideas from which are available here:   He began by distinguishing between forms of energy production that do, or do not involve fire – and which do or do not involve the consumption/burning of resources like wood, coal, oil etc, and all the problems and emissions that ensue.  This…

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Talk: The Time and Timing of UK Domestic Energy DEMAND, Ben Anderson

The Time and Timing of UK Domestic Energy DEMAND by Ben Anderson, University of Southampton. Invited keynote presentation to the Otago Energy Research Centre, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 28th November 2014.

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Reading Group: 25 November 2014

Gordon Walker presented material from the Paris and Taiwan workshops bringing together the outcomes from Project 4.1: The right to energy: ambivalent, contingent, problematic. (more…)

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Reading Group: 14 October 2014

Elizabeth Shove, Matt Watson and Nicola Spurling discussed the draft article for the European Journal of Social Theory, special issue on climate change.

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Climate Change in the Media and in Everyday Life: A UK-Taiwan Comparison of Energy Use and Its Media Representation, 17-21 November 2014

This workshop was held as part of a week-long visit of four DEMAND academics to Taipei and specifically to the National Chenghi University. This was the first part of an international partnership and mobility project (funded by the British Academy and Taiwanese Ministry of Science and Technology) that runs for a year until November 2015. (more…)

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